Sunday 11 September 2011

09/09/11 - Rugby World Cup Day

For some mad reason I have agreed to get up at 2.30 in the morning with one of my housemates to watch the opening ceremony of the rugby world cup and the first game - New Zealand against Tonga. We even set a reminder in the TV which promised it would show the game. However as we turned the TV on we were greeted by FIFA beech foot world cup in Italy! Needless to say we were not impressed. My housemate tried to watch the game on the internet but the channel did not stream fast enough. I went back to sleep. 
Tonight I have been invited to the Residence of the Spanish Ambassador; this time we did get to see the game of Scotland playing Romania and the game itself was nerve racking with Scotland putting us on edge as usual before finally pulling off a win - my father will be pleased as he is Scottish. The Spanish Residence seems an odd choice to watch rugby from but the Spanish Ambassador is married to a South African who is fanatical about both rugby and golf. We were watching the game in a large veranda which had two massive, ornate chandeliers in the ceiling and two wide screen televisions! The food was amazing as they had a whole Serrano ham ready for us and some delicious pork. We were not the only ones there of course; the Russian and French Ambassadors were also present as was the Canadian High Commissioner and the British Deputy High Commissioner as well as a few other ex-pats and Jamaicans; a good few of whom where Scottish too! 
The evening was great fun but hoepfull England are a touch more convincing!

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