Tuesday 6 September 2011

06/09/2011 - First Day at Open Arms

Ok; so a few weeks ago a Dr I know in Jamaica set me up with a charity called Open Arms which is a walk-in centre for homeless people with mental difficulties. They also have a residential centre for about 100 men hoping to reintroduce them into society by teaching them not only maths and English but also social graces and general etiquette. It is an amazing charity run by a Jamaican woman named Mrs Grant who used to work in London as a Nurse, she has helped reintroduce several people into Jamaican society - one has even gone on to become a teacher! We arranged for me to come on the first Tuesday in September; so I turned up this morning - risking life and limb to navigate through the pot holes and broken roads of Jamaica's capital, only to find that Mrs Grant was in a meeting all day and that they couldn't see me until tomorrow! 
Oh well; as I have often been told - this is Jamaica and everything is done at leisure, to be honest you can understand why once you get here but hopefully tomorrow will be a better start for me!

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