Sunday 2 October 2011

22/09/11 - Trafficking Conference

Woke up bright and early today to take Arran for a walk, we used the remnants of his broken lead around a lanyard, but unfortunately Arran seems to clever for that and he managed to escape a couple of times! Unfortunately the lead broke again and Arran was free! He galloped around the green and discovered sprinklers - he tried to chase the water as it came out of the sprinkler and and had to visit all four sprinklers before he came away! On another green Arran did exactly the same, but one of the green keepers turned it off as he was drinking it and as we walked back we were determined to buy him a decent lead and collar! But at least Arran enjoyed his walk!
I had to attend a Human Trafficking Conference at the Pegasus Hotel for Hear the Children's Cry which is a charity that helps missing children in Jamaica. We were told that the conference was from 8.30 to 10.30 but when we arrived we discovered it was actually a two day workshop! It was a very interesting  workshop, involving many different organisations (both NGO and governmental) as well as many different embassies.
That evening I had my French lesson again and I had to do a presentation on life in 1905. It wasn't very long - only 100 words, but  it went quite well. Later that evening I was invited into the French embassy as a friend was receiving the Medal of Honour for his work in Haiti and France. That evening we went to a bar at Devon House for something to eat!

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