Sunday 9 October 2011

06/10/11 - Meeting Dr Wong

In the morning I received a phone call saying that my contact at KPH (Kingston Public Hospital) was going into ER later that day to find out when I could start and would I like to join her so we arranged to meet at 5. We decided to take the dog to the vets during the day so that he could have his heartworm injection, so while a housemate of mine was at the chiropractors I decided to take the dog for a walk at Hope Gardens in Kingston but as we drove through the gate I was stopped and told that I wasn't allowed to walk my dog in the park! So I decided to try Mona Reservoir which is by the University but I was told you could only walk there with a permit that you brought from the university and only very early in the morning or very late at night. So I ended up driving around Kingston with the dog in the backseat enjoying the air-conditioning until my housemate was finished that the chiropractor's! We then went to the vet and discovered that Arran is 4 years and 3 months old! He was very good as he was being given his injection and the vet was very happy with him :-)
We went back home quickly to drop the dog off and have a quick shower before I got ready to meet Nicki at KPH where we went to see Dr Wong in ER. I was quite disappointed by our first meeting, he was very negative about my chances of getting to work in the ER and was coming up with many trivial problems. He told us to go and see the Senior Medical Officer, Dr Boorasingh in the morning, so Nicki and I decided to meet up at 9 the following morning and hopefully get something sorted!

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